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Time Management

Time management is mindful, disciplined self-management so you can enjoy schoolavoid stress, and achieve your goals within a certain time frame. According to many experts, a lack of time management is often the cause of unsatisfactory grades and overall performance in school – not a lack of ability! 

If you’re experiencing difficulty with your time management, the resources on this page can help you.

Need Help to Better Manage Yourself and Your Time?

You are also always welcome to make an appointment with your Program Advisor to help you better manage yourself and your time.
Check out the school directory to find out how to contact your Program Advisor.

“Being Prepared” means more than having your school schedule and writing supplies for taking notes. It is taking responsibility for yourself and your education…

It’s an attitude for success!

Being Prepared Also Means:

Making sure your TFS email is working and synced with your mobile device.

Your TFS email address is how we contact you and provide you with information you need to know. It is vital that you use it! If you experience difficulty accessing your email account at any time, click please submit a helpdesk ticket with askTFS.

Having all the required supplies at the beginning of the term.

Contact your instructor or program coordinator at the beginning of each term to get a summary of what supplies are required. You can use the staff directory here for contact information.

Understanding the requirements of every course.

Every course has a course page on myTFS that contains an outline or syllabus for the term. It includes assignment and homework descriptions, a weekly schedule, a break down of how you will be graded, and any other important information. Take time to review the course outline or syllabus, due dates, homework, and projects at the beginning of the term. It is your responsibility to understand what the expectations are so you can meet them!

Contacting your instructor in a timely manner with any questions you have about course content.

If you need clarification about any course content, projects, assignments, or tests, please speak to your instructor well ahead of time. Emailing your instructor important questions about project or test expectations the day before they're meant to be handed in or written is not practical or acceptable.

TFS has many resources to help you be prepared for your classes. Check out your campus Student Resources on MyTFS or speak to your instructor, program coordinator, or student services if you require assistance.

Important Things to Remember About Time Management

School Is a Priority!

In order to be successful, school needs to be a priority above work, socializing, and vacation.

Learn to Say No!

You cannot do everything nor please everyone. Develop politely saying ‘no’ into a habit. It frees you up for time you need to spend on the important things.

Don’t Be a Perfectionist!

Trying to be perfect sets you up for defeat. Nobody is perfect. Setting achievable, realistic goals and schedules is how you become successful.

Be Efficient!

Combine similar activities. Study while on transit, always bring a text book or class notes with you when you know you’ll be waiting (at the doctors, getting your passport etc.).