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Housing Support

All the information on this page is to help guide you in your efforts to find housing.

It is your responsibility to do your research and use discretion when making the decision to move.

Looking for a Roommate?

Or to connect with others looking for accommodations?

Apartment Rentals

Looking for a place to live in the city?

Here’s a list of places to start looking.

Parkside Student Residence

Downtown residence dedicated to students in Toronto

Casa Toronto

Homestay, shared accommodations, and individual accommodations for students. 

Avant Toronto

Unfurnished student apartments in Toronto’s University and College district.

Places 4 Students

A place where students can find rental property listings and roommate profiles.

Websites where you can search for what you’re looking for based on area, size, and price and view it:

Classified websites such as Kijiji and Craigslist also contain many listings for apartment rentals. Be very careful when using these services because many people use them to scam new renters. Always do your research! Keep reading for more information about the rental and moving process.

You can also try social media groups on Facebook (at your discretion!) including Toronto Home ZoneToronto Homes for Queers, and Toronto Rentals. Take your time, follow the group guidelines, and be vigilant!

A website that can help you narrow your search for what you’re looking for, all plotted on an interactive map and shown by qualified listing agents or realtors. 

Temporary Housing

Here are some temporary housing solutions if you need to stay somewhere short-term.

Hostel World

A website where you can search for hostels all over the world, including in Toronto.


A website where you can search for hostels all over the world, including in Toronto.

Home Stay Opportunities

A Home Stay provides a family environment for international students to enjoy the comforts of home with hosts that know Toronto. You may also be sharing a home with other international students. Fees vary, (depending on the meal plan and the Home Stay company). 

Student Homestay Services

495 Oriole Parkway, Suite 2, Toronto, ON

The Moving Process

Moving to or within Toronto can be overwhelming if you’re not armed with the right knowledge or tools.

If you’re looking to rent in the city and are unsure about whether you want to rent an apartment, condo, or a house, or if you’re curious about pricing, the leasing process, or your rights as a tenant, check out this guide.

Moving Your Stuff

One of the biggest factors in the moving process is getting the right moving company or vehicle to move your belongings.

Below is a list of well-known movers in the city of Toronto. These are only suggestions – a simple Google search for movers in Toronto will provide many options. Always make sure you look for feedback about movers and use recommendations to inform your decision.

Alternatively, you can rent a vehicle and do all the moving yourself with a group of family or friends. Here’s a list of well known rental companies in the city of Toronto. Be sure to shop around to find out what’s right for you.

Information For Renters

For comprehensive information about renting in Ontario, including tenants rights and responsibilities, check out the Government of Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board FAQ page.

Tenant Survival Manual

You can also download the Tenant Survival Manual in a variety of languages from the Federation of Metro Tenants’ Associations.