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Academic Support

Peer Tutoring

Our Peer Tutoring networks provides opportunities for students to either gain valuable experience tutoring one-on-one or to learn from more experienced students in their own program of study.

Tutoring are allotted up to four hours per week of work at $14.25 per hour.

How to Become a Tutor?

Interested In Having a Tutor Assist You With Your Courses?

Please contact [email protected]


Studiosity 24/7 Online Tutoring

Studiosity is a 24/7 online academic support service available to all students providing math and writing support including ESL writing.

Online Meetings Information

You will be required to meet one on one with your instructors throughout your online studies.

Tips for Taking Tests/Quizzes

These tips will help you prevent technical issues and develop good habits while taking test and quizzes.